Phone: +86 (0) 592-218 1728
Fax: +86 (0) 592-218 1728
Lujiaxi Building #530, Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
BS (1003), Beijing University
PhD (1995), University of Toledo
Principal Research Interests:
Bioimaging of disease-associated organelle alterations, glycoprobe-based modulation of inflammatory responses and cancer immunity.
Selected Recent Publications:
1. Responsive hetero-organelle partition conferred fluorogenic sensing of mitochondrial depolarization; ZhongweiXue, Hu Zhao, Jian Liu, Jiahuai Han, Shoufa Han*,Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 1915-1921
2. Imaging lysosomal pH alteration in stressed cells with a sensitive ratiometric fluorescencesensor, ZhongweiXue, Hu Zhao, Jian Liu,Jiahuai Han, Shoufa Han*,ACS Sensors. 2017, 2, 436-442
3. Redirecting immunity via covalently incorporated immunogenic sialic acid on the tumor cell surface,Bijuan Lin, Xuanjun Wu, Hu Zhao, YunpengTian, Jian Liu, Jiahuai Han, and Shoufa Han*,Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 3737-3741
4. A carbohydrate-grafted nanovesicle for fluorescence and acoustic imaging of tumors, Xuanjun Wu, Bijuan Lin, Mingzhu Yu, Jiahuai Han,Shoufa Han*,Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 2002-2009
5. A sialic acid-targeted near-infrared theranostic for signal activation based intraoperative tumor ablation; Xuanjun Wu,Mingzhu Yu, Bijuan Lin, Hongjie Xing, Jiahuai Han, and Shoufa Han*,Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 798-803
6. Optical Tracking of Phagocytosis with an ActivatableProfluorophore Metabolically Incorporated into Bacterial Peptidoglycan; YunpengTian, Mingzu Yu, Zhu Li, Jiahuai Han, Liu Yang*, Shoufa Han*, Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 8381-8386
7. Lysosomal pH Decrease in Inflammatory Cells Used To Enable Activatable Imaging of Inflammation with a Sialic Acid Conjugated Profluorophore; Mingzhu Yu, Xuanjun Wu, Bijuan Lin, Jiahuai Han, Liu Yang, and Shoufa Han*,Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 6688-6695
8. A self-referenced nanodosimeter for reaction based ratiometric detection of hypochlorous acid in living cells,Xuanjun Wu, Zhu Li,Yuhui Yang,Liu Yang, Jiahuai Han and Shoufa Han*Chem. Sci.,2013, 460-467
9. Rhodamine-deoxylactam functionalized poly[styrene-alter-(maleic acid)] as lysosome activatable probes for intraoperative detection of tumors,Zhu Li,Yunlong Song,Yuhui Yang,Liu Yang, Xiaohong Huang, Jiahuai Han and Shoufa Han*,Chem. Sci., 2012,2, 2941-2948
10. Homomultimeric complexes of CD22 in B cells revealed byprotein-glycan cross-linking; Shoufa Han, Brian E. Collins, Per Bengtson, and James C. Paulson*,Nat. Chem. Biol., 2005, 1, 93-97
Selected Target of Current Interest